HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry
HDPE plastic sheets for industry

HDPE plastic sheets for industry

Henan OKAY Plastic Industry Co., Ltd. is one of the professional manufacturers of PE products in China for more than 20 years. Mainly provide HDPE/UHMWPE sheet.
Regular sizes are as follows:

Normal colors such as white, black, blue, green, yellow, red, brown. Different sizes and colors can be customized according to your application.

Product Description
HDPE has the following advantages: 1. Impact resistance 2. Wear-resistant 3. Low friction efficient 4. Anti-corrosion 5. Does not HENAN OKAYorb water 6. Self-lubricating and non-stick
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